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July 3, 2024




    • Case analysis error state UI on enhanced pipeline: implement a case page for when a case is in a critical error state that allows the user to refresh the case to ease case analysis workflows in the Property & Casualty offering.


      • User interface fix for long document names: small user interface fix for displaying long document names in the Property & Casualty offering. 

      June 28, 2024




      • Enable refresh on enhanced pipeline user interface: enable ability for user to refresh a case analysis on the enhanced pipeline
        Webhook event for case finished: addition of webhook event for when a case analysis is finished to simplify integration in the Property & Casualty offering
      • Error details in API error response: include error details in API error response for increased clarity in integration for the Property & Casualty offering


      • Clarify document preparation workflow states: fix for document preparation workflow moving to completed status when there’s an error in the Property & Casualty offering
      • Improved handling of HTML source: support extraction of data from HTML sources in the Property & Casualty offering
      • Reduce repetitive patterns in prompts: removed repetitive patterns in prompts occasionally causing errors in summarization steps in the Property & Casualty offering

      June 25, 2024




        • Case decision feedback via API: ability to programmatically indicate if a case was ultimately quoted or not quoted to strengthen feedback loop in the Property & Casualty offering
        • Improved page loading states in enhanced pipeline: improvements to the user interface on the enhanced pipeline to clarify page loading states for clear user experience in the Property & Casualty offering


        • Clarify document preparation workflow states: fix for document preparation workflow moving to completed status when there’s an error in the Property & Casualty offering
        • Improved handling of HTML source: support extraction of data from HTML sources in the Property & Casualty offering

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