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July 21, 2024




    • Additional extraction tool: implement an additional document extraction tool from the default for improved document processing in the Property & Casualty offering
    • Error notification in Webhook integration: extend Webhook event for when a case is updated to include errors in case analysis in the Property & Casualty offering.
    • Further mitigation of false positives: continued improvements in model analysis pipeline to further mitigate the surfacing of false positives to drive accuracy in Life & Disability offering


    • Workflow error improvements: improve error handling in workflow for smoother case analysis in the Property & Casualty offering

    July 18, 2024




      • Hyperlink to source citations on enhanced pipeline: link to a source used in answering Business Details Q&A to facilitate investigation in the Property & Casualty offering.


      • Resolve errors on SIC code risk signal analysis: resolve errors returned when performing risk signal analysis relating to SIC codes in the Property & Casualty offering

      July 12, 2024




        • Allow URL linking to Sixfold with case UUID: allow linking to the Sixfold user interface for a case using the UUID of the case to facilitate integration workflows in the Property & Casualty offering
        • Ability to export a case via API: new API endpoint to obtain a PDF snapshot of a case analysis to facilitate audit tracking in the Property & Casualty offering.
        • Search functionality on enhanced pipeline: implement search functionality for cases on enhanced pipeline to support underwriter workflows in Property & Casualty offering
        • Case analysis ‘No Content’ state UI on enhanced pipeline: implement a case page when there’s no content available for greater clarity to the user in the Property & Casualty offering


        • N/A

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