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August 8, 2024




  • View for bulk import of cases: visibility into cases created via bulk import for streamline processing and clarity in the Property & Casualty offering.
  • Ability to export a case on enhanced pipeline: enable ability to export data model for a specific case from the user interface in the Property & Casualty offering
  • Setting enhancements for Weighted Risk Signals & Question Categories: additions to the settings options in Sixfold relating to Weighted Risk Signals and Question Categories to streamline onboarding in the Property & Casualty offering.


  • Fixes for case error handling due to retries: allow for rendering of an error state when certain jobs as part of the pipeline fail after certain number of retries to more clearly indicate to the user in the Property & Casualty offering.
  • Fixes for case error handling due to data: allow for rendering of an error state when all data from a case is removed and analysis cannot be completed to more clearly indicate to the user in the Property & Casualty offering.
  • Improve HTML content type handling: fixes for instances where HTML data sources mislabeled for content type to allow for proper handling of these sources in the Property & Casualty offering.
  • Fixes for card overflow due to long test: remediate instances when text in a card is particularly long and overflows from card in the user interface to improve experience for the user in the Life & Disability offering.

August 1, 2024




  • New feature for risk signal weighting: supporting weighted risk signals in risk appetite to align more closely with underwriter mental models in Property & Casualty offering.
  • New feature for Business Details Question Categories: ability to configure categories for Business Details questions to be rendered in the user interface and control question ordering to streamline underwriter review in Property & Casualty
  • Updated citations to include page numbers: enhancement to source citations to include page numbers for greater transparency and ease of review in the Property & Casualty offering.


  • N/A

July 25, 2024




    • Hyperlink to source citations in risk signals: added source citations to risk signals to increase transparency and simplify underwriter workflows in the Property & Casualty offering.
    • Deduplication of source citations: deduplicate source citations based on the name of the source to consolidate citations and simplify review in the Property & Casualty offering.


    • Allow for deleting a risk signal surfaced in analysis: allow for removing a risk signal in the settings and cascade to case analysis.

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