Reliable results that tells the whole story
Sixfold doesn’t keep any secrets, full transparency is provided for all underwriting decisions. All In a manner that your compliance team will love tolerate.

Automate workflows for underwriters
Sixfold spots patterns from a wide array of sources that previously required a human to synthesize. We then use generative AI to summarize risk in insurer’s underwriting format.
Provide traceability of all underwriting decisions
Sixfold provides full sourcing and lineage of all underwriting decisions. No black box, everything is transparent.
Trace your inputs and outputs
No co-mingling of data
Enterprise grade security

Provide traceability of all underwriting decisions
Sixfold provides full sourcing and lineage of all underwriting decisions. No black box, everything is transparent.
Trace your inputs and outputs
No co-mingling of data
Enterprise grade security
“Axis plans to expand its partnership with Sixfold to address other areas of underwriting improvement and efficiency"

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